Finally, I'm back!

This has been a hellish week. I didn't produce art although I did a lot of art related stuff. I took four of my art blog works to the framer to get framed for a local show and got another big piece of heavy paper taped to the board and so I'm ready to go. Tuesday and Weds. I read some of Ken Leslie's Oil Pastel book and was just blown away by all the techniques and materials he talks about. I need to read more. Every night this week I've been working on online classes until 7pm so that leaves little evening time for anything, let alone art. Thurs. evening was a blob out and I think I watched a movie called Let's dance about ballroom dancing. Also perused the Oil Pastel book some more. Friday I had an appt I couldn't get out of and got home late, but while out bought two more books by the artist Wolf Kahn. His color work is so amazing. I am really inspired by him and was drooling over these books at my local museum, bought some postcards of his work a few weeks ago, and now own the books, yipee.
I'm back working some more on my courses today, picked up the framed work which looks great, and hopefully will break out the colors tonight and begin a new work.
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